Saturday, July 02, 2005

One step forward. One step back. I want to curse, but Ive been told its rude. Rude and wrong. Rude and wrong like the man who strips me in his head. Wrong that I want him to. Wrong the way I like my erotic literature. Wrong that I place those two words together. An oxy-moron they'd laugh. Those elitist pigs.
Confined. Confined in my little cell.Im unable to make associations with sentances anymore. Its been a year since they let me in. I passed their exams. They call it the slaughterouse. I used to wonder why. Now I know. They cut meat in here. Dark Red Meat. For the rest of them to eat. If you get their questions right, you can cut meat as well. I passed their exam. Felt elitist and above the rest. The exclusivity of it all. Happy that I got chosen over certain others. Now I cut meat.

They tell me what to think. Nudity is forbidden. Even in the head. They have those monitors. The thought-police they're called. I had his body in my mind for a wihle. They've erased it now. Quick and easy erasing. Like they cut the meat. Now I can't see him even when I want to. Its a good thing, they say its required for closure. Removal of the person. He hasn't gone. I still talk to him. Merely his body left when he said goodbye.

I see the man walk up to me. The damn mind-reader. Spy undercover. I slept with him before I found out. He was so busy trying to read my mind, couldn't give me an orgasm.

I must get rid of these thoughts before he sees me. Must think happy thoughts. I remember the 'Don't think of pink elephants' tale my dad used to tell me. Happy thoughts. Pink elephants. Dont think of him, fucking idiot. It could get you killed.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Murphy said...

Erotic literature.
We need our orgasms. Always have.


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