Sunday, September 21, 2008

There was a time when people were nicer. And, I could put words together and make a sentence.
But then I was young and full of youth and all those other delicious things that come with it.
Now, I'm old and difficult (Although still filled with delicacy).

I'm 24 now.
Half my life done.
It really does suck to be old.
All that talk about age being in the mind is such bullshit.
No, really. Its in how many candles there are on your cake.

I keep feeling like I'm in pacman.
Alright one life down. Two more to go. If you couldn't collect all those round things in life, you have two more chances.
I'm going to be so disappointed when I find out there's no rebirth.

I love the sound of such bullshit.
All that talk about gender equality. Its such bullshit.
It really does bring out a great critique of the sentence prior to it.
Because the bulls see what we don't.


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Wanderer said...

worth the wait! mundo could take a break and come to my little village where it rains like mad and you see green everywhere. people are nicer here than in the big cities... if you see women in this country you'll cry with joy, who by the way is planning to drop by to create and click tribal conflicts for his portfolio.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger K?K! said...

hmm.... not whine this time...
but not peaceful either...
whats up in ur OLD head...


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