Friday, July 14, 2006

I can wear socks again. The rains have temporarily stopped.

They bombed the trains. I don't think I like them too much.
Its easy to dislike an unknown.

Secrecy is a friend going away,
I am incapable of work of substance. I must learn to accept it.

I'm glad two people have offered to clean my feet.
I will take them both up on it.

Its the end of an era and I miss the window.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

LIfe is unfair.
There's no two ways about it.

Everything is wet. Everything.
There were days when I wanted it this way.

I have ugly feet.
He said he'd clean it.
Tastes like mint chocolate chip.

Much too much.
aches in the chest region.
saline waters.
lack of clarity.
Much too much.

My random past is catching up with me.

I wish I could wear rain shoes and jump in the puddles.
Pity really. Its not fun anymore.
My feet. They must not get uglier.